The Psycholinguistic Standpoints in English Speech Activity

Ilona Kostikova, Liudmyla Holubnycha, Karyna Fomenko, Anna Shevchuk, Oksana Kadaner, Olena Moshynska


The correlation between English speech activity and psycholinguistic standpoints of foreign language learning has been shown as well as the empirical analysis of their connection has been conducted. The purpose of the article is to identify the correlation between English speech activity and psycholinguistic standpoints. The theoretical, empirical, statistical methods have been used to reach the purpose. To check the effectiveness of applying psycholinguistic principles to English speech activity the empirical (diagnostic) methods such as testing (oral and written), observation, and discussion were used. The pedagogical experiment with the students of H.S.Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University and Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University was also conducted. The pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of developing English speech activity based on the psycholinguistic standpoints. The statistical methods helped to evaluate the results of the pedagogical experiment. Apprehending the correlation between psycholinguistic standpoints and English speech activity (Speaking, Reading, Listening, and Writing) training is really topical since it helps to define the most effective methods of the foreign language teaching and learning. The psycholinguistic components (motivational and cognitive, analytical and technological, reflexive, emotional and evaluation ones) have been described from the standpoint of psycholinguistics. All types of English speech activity have been researched as for their correlation with psycholinguistic components.


English speech activity; Speaking, Reading, Listening, and Writing; psycholinguistic standpoints; foreign language learning; students

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