Etichetă: Elena Golai

  • Hamilton and the most important problem of computer science

    Hamilton and the most important problem of computer science

    Sir William Rowan Hamilton (August 3/4 1805 – September 2, 1865) was an Irish physician, astronomer and mathematician that brought important contributions to classical mechanics, to the development of optical systems and of algebra. William Rowan Hamilton is known for his studies of mathematical physics and of Newtonian mechanics formulation renamed Hamiltonian Mechanics. His work…

  • Berzunți – liniștea care vorbește

    Berzunți – liniștea care vorbește

    „Scris este că nu numai cu pâine va trăi omul, ci cu orice cuvânt al lui Dumnezeu” – Iisus Hristos Și am plecat în căutarea Cuvântului cu echipa EduSoft la Mănăstirea Sfântul Sava, din comuna Berzunți, judeţul Bacău, „renăscută din ruină”. Și cum mlădițele se îndoaie la vânturi și noi ne căzneam a ne găsi…

  • Complexul Muzeal și Grădina Botanică Paul Țarălungă

    Complexul Muzeal și Grădina Botanică Paul Țarălungă

    ”Da-ți-mi un muzeu și-l voi umple.” spunea Picasso. Muzeul? Un loc în care timpul s-a oprit dar care te trimite să colinzi o lume paralelă de a ta. Te trimite în trecut și te face parte din poveste. O astfel de minunăție se găsește într-un sat, printre colinele Tutovei: Prăjești. Înfăptuirea unui astfel de loc…

  • Biserica rotundă „Teiul Doamnei Ghika”

    Biserica rotundă „Teiul Doamnei Ghika”

    Grigorie Dimitrie Ghika a fost al nouălea domnitor din familia Ghika și primul domn pământean care a venit la conducerea Țării Românești după regimul fanariot, în 1822. A domnit până în anul 1828, timp în care a construit, pe moșia lui, Palatul Tei la care a adăugat ca paraclis în 1833 Biserica „Teiul Doamnei Ghika”.…

  • Alan Turing – father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence

    Alan Turing – father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence

    Alan Mathison Turing (June 23, 1912 – June 7, 1954), known nowadays as the father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence, British former computer expert, mathematician, logician and cryptanalyst. Alan Turing invented a device(Turing machine) based on working with numbers 0 and 1 that formalized the concept of algorithm and calculus. In 1999, journalists…

  • The robot – a robot doesn’t ask for food…

    The robot – a robot doesn’t ask for food…

    A robot doesn’t ask for salary increase, nor vacation and it doesn’t need a sick leave. If it suffers an accident and a piece of it needs to be “amputated”, it is replaced with another one from the manufacturer. If you have 4 robots of this kind and, at some point, product demand decreases, you…

  • Women in education and science fields

    Women in education and science fields

    Science is knowledge and knowledge is power.1 (Sir Francis Bacon) Science and education have an important role in developing civilizations. As we see it today, working got easier and done in better conditions.  As far back as ancient times, scholars and learners have contributed to creating strong pillars to sustain and improve scientific treasure, through…

  • Khan Academy

    Khan Academy

    World educational system gets closer and closer to revolution and innovation of information, but an essential factor of this process of developing is the internet – a big power of transferring knowledge from educational institutions to the whole mass of people eager to evolve and improve themselves. Khan Academy – is one of the…