Weather in June at Iași and Bacău


The month of June is characterized by rising daily high temperatures, with daily highs increasing from 74 F to 79 F (23 C to 26 C) over the course of the month, exceeding 88 F (31 C) or dropping below 64 F (18 C) only one day in ten. Daily low temperatures range from 55 F to 59 F (13 C to 15 C), falling below 48 F (9 C) or exceeding 64 F (18 C) only one day in ten.


Over the course of June, the length of the day is essentially constant. The shortest day of the month is June 1 with 15:35 hours of daylight; the longest day is June 17 with 15:51 hours of daylight. The earliest sunrise is at 5:18am on June 17; the latest sunset is at 9:10pm on June 24; the latest sunrise is at 5:23am on June 1; the earliest sunset is at 8:58pm on June 1. Daylight savings time is observed in 2012 but it neither starts nor ends in June, so the entire month is in daylight time.


The median cloud cover ranges from 53% (partly cloudy) to 59% (partly cloudy). The trend is for the sky to be clearing with the median cloud cover decreasing by 6% from the start to the end of the month.


The average probability that some form of precipitation will be observed in a given day is 50%, with little variation over the course of the month. Throughout June, the most common forms of precipitation are thunderstorms, moderate rain, and light rain. Thunderstorms are the most severe precipitation observed during 53% of those days with precipitation. They are most likely around June 29, when it is observed during 28% of all days. Moderate rain is the most severe precipitation observed during 29% of those days with precipitation. It is most likely around June 1, when it is observed during 15% of all days. Light rain is the most severe precipitation observed during 16% of those days with precipitation. It is most likely around June 1, when it is observed during 9% of all days.


The relative humidity typically ranges from 51% (mildly humid) to 97% (very humid) over the course of a typical June, rarely dropping below 33% (comfortable) and reaching as high as 100% (very humid). The air is driest around June 5, at which time the relative humidity drops below 60% (mildly humid) three days out of four; it is most humid around June 21, rising above 97% (very humid) three days out of four.

Dew Point

Dew point is often a better measure of how comfortable a person will find the weather than relative humidity because it more directly relates to whether perspiration will evaporate from the skin, thereby cooling the body. Lower dew points feel drier and higher dew points feel more humid. Over the course of a typical June, the dew point typically varies from 49 F (9.5 C) (dry) to 63 F (17 C) (mildy humid) and is rarely below 42 F (5.5 C) (dry) or above 69 F (20.5 C) (muggy). The time of the month between June 1 and June 30 is the most comfortable, with dew points that are neither too dry nor too muggy.


Over the course of June typical wind speeds vary from 0 mph to 12 mph (calm to gentle breeze), rarely exceeding 18 mph (fresh breeze). The highest average wind speed of 5 mph (light breeze) occurs around June 1, at which time the average daily maximum wind speed is 12 mph (gentle breeze). The lowest average wind speed of 5 mph (light breeze) occurs around June 30, at which time the average daily maximum wind speed is 11 mph (gentle breeze).

