Psychosocial and Legal Aspects of Penitentiary Work in Bulgaria

Rumen Vasilev, Vesela Mareva, Krasimira Benkova, Iliyana Stefanova Kirilova-Moutafova


The article analyzes penitentiary work and treats it as a possible model of prevention with regard to prisoners. Emphasis is placed on the existing legal norms that allow for the realization of this universal human right, as well as some psychosocial aspects in its application.

The aim is to present the problem of the existence of a unified, realistic legal model for penitentiary work in terms of its psychosocial aspect, protected by law.

The subject of analysis is the framework of the existing legal system, which has adopted the international legal norms for the implementation of penitentiary work and has become an essential part of the social life of the prisoners.

The possibilities for its positive impact on this category of citizens are outlined.


Penitentiary legislation; Penitentiary work; Psychosocial Impact; Legal Norms

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