BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Volume: 14 | Issue: 4
Technologies Used in Medical Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review Regarding the Applicability of Rehabilitation Technologies in Certain Medical Domains
This article aims to investigate and explore present rehabilitation technology. Through the accumulated results of this review, we will summarise the support and benefits that the emergence of technologies in medicine provides. The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate how patient rehabilitation is evolving compared to traditional rehabilitation. The initial search identified 113 titles in the databases; 18 duplicate articles were removed automatically. The remaining 95 articles were examined by title and abstract, which resulted in the elimination of 59 studies. The full texts of the remaining 36 articles were read and evaluated; nine articles were excluded because they did not satisfy the inclusion criteria established for this study. At the evaluation stage, nine studies were thrown out because they did not fit into the medical fields that the research was looking into or because there was not enough data and information to analyse or rate the results. Other studies were excluded from the full-text evaluation because the study sample was not specified. Technology integration into rehabilitation presents obstacles such as high costs and limited accessibility. Researchers, medicinal professionals, and the technology industry must work together to develop more effective and cost-effective solutions. Nevertheless, these obstacles pale in comparison to the patient benefits of technology. In order to maximise the benefits and surmount the current challenges, it will be necessary to continue the research and development of these technologies in the future.