BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Volume: 14 | Issue: 3
Neuropedagogy of Communication-Imitation. Opportunities for the Ukrainian English Teacher
The article talks about the problems of motivation, specificity and effectiveness of using chatbots by Ukrainian humanities students when studying English and, based on the analysis of sociological data, provides new recommendations for the English language teacher.
The purpose of the article is to define the problem of using new communicative-simulation opportunities of today's chatbots "from the inside", i.e. from the point of view of personal motivation of the participants of the educational process. This allowed us to understand the more general and invariant neuro-pedagogical mechanisms of the stimulation anthropomorphic environment and tools in English language learning.
The authors used sociological, statistical, modeling-predictive pedagogical methods in order to outline the real picture of students' use of chatbots in English studies on the basis of existing neuroscience theories and real student priorities and to provide general methodological recommendations for modeling communicative-simulation technology in linguistic pedagogy.
The main result of the article is to objectify the real neuropsychological picture of students' motivation in English-language communication in chatbots, as well as to present five-component gradation of scenarios for chatbots use by students with different levels of academic knowledge, personal pretensions and self-organization abilities.
The theoretical conclusions of the article consist in:
a) confirmation and further development of already existing provisions on the use of simulation technologies;
b) essays on Ukrainian specifics of using chatbots in English language learning in the context of the neuro-pedagogical approach;
c) proving the thesis that English-language chatbots are used outside educational plans and are mostly an optional, spontaneous or personal intension tool in learning a foreign language.