BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Volume: 11 | Issue: 4Sup1
The Importance of Kinetic Treatment for Integrating Children with SEN into Education
Any child may encounter learning difficulties at some time, but they are usually overcome due to the support and encouragement provided by parents and the educational establishments where children are enrolled depending on their age (kindergarten, school). The notion of children with special educational needs (SEN) is used to describe a category of people with learning problems in relation to age or with a handicap/ a disability/ an impairment compared to most of the population. For children with SEN, the intervention through kinetic means represents an effective therapy that can be equally used by parents and teachers in order to facilitate the integration of these children into mainstream education. The purpose of this paper is to carry out a bibliographic study regarding the improvement of the quality of life in children with SEN by applying specific kinetic means that consist of physical exercise and massage, but also by the intervention of other types of therapy, depending on the disability of each subject. Individualisation of physical activities is a general principle applicable to all participants and especially to people with SEN who suffer from various conditions. In conclusion, we claim that the beneficial effects of the movement performed in any form and in any context are undeniable for any child but particularly for those with SEN.