The Relationship Between Metacognitive Strategy Use, Good Language Learner, and Iranian EFL Learner’s Willingness to Communicate

Gholam-Reza Abbasian, Bahareh Hoodin Shad


Since communicative aspects of language get noticeable attention and
learning strategy use is taken as one of the significant ways for second and
foreign language learning and teaching, any attempts to investigate is
relationship between metacognitive strategies, learner characteristics, and
willingness to communicate seem warranted. To fulfill this goal, 95 EFL
learners were asked to attempt, three questionnaires including MSQIT,
GLLQ, and WTCQ. Also, an interview was run with 10 randomly selected
participants. The Pearson Correlation Coefficients revealed that there is no
relationship between metacognitive strategy use and WTC, but there is a
significant relationship between metacognitive strategies and GLL.
Furthermore, a significant relationship between GLL and WTC was found.
The findings assert on the important role of learning strategies and
communication in EFL education and bears implications on teaching and
learning processes.

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