Etichetă: Alan Turing

  • Alan Turing  – the Father of Modern Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

    Alan Turing – the Father of Modern Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

    Alan Mathison Turing (23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) known today as the father of modern informatics and artificial intelligence, was a British IT specialist, mathematician, logician, and cryptanalyst. Alan Turing invented a device (the Turing machine) based on the work with the digits 1 and 0, which formalized the concept of algorithm and…

  • Alan Turing – father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence

    Alan Turing – father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence

    Alan Mathison Turing (June 23, 1912 – June 7, 1954), known nowadays as the father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence, British former computer expert, mathematician, logician and cryptanalyst. Alan Turing invented a device(Turing machine) based on working with numbers 0 and 1 that formalized the concept of algorithm and calculus. In 1999, journalists…

  • Personalităţi din lumea informaticii (I)

    Personalităţi din lumea informaticii (I)

    Alan Mathison Turing (23 iunie 1912 – 7 iunie 1954), cunoscut în zilele noastre ca părintele informaticii moderne și al inteligenței artificiale, a fost un informatician, matematician, logician şi criptanalist britanic. Alan Turing a inventat un dispozitiv (mașina Turing) bazat pe lucrul cu cifrele 0 şi 1, care a formalizat conceptul de algoritm şi calcul.…