LiBRI. Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation

Volume: 3 | Issue: 1&2

How Shakespeare was Received in the Albanian Literture and Culture — A General History

Enkelena Shockett Qafleshi - New York (US),



In this article I will attempt to give a brief and convincing overview of the development of Shakespeare industry and Shakespeare's studies in Albania in dialectical manner. Certainly this research will encompass the features and particularities that enhanced Shakespeare translations in the Albanian literature and culture beginning from WWI where we grasp the first undertakings of this sort to jump into other time periods as subsequent developments within Shakespeare industry and Shakespeare's studies.

Perceived ontologically this issue of concern, I could express out that the battle for recognition of Shakespeare has been instrumentalized either from the patriotic feelings which led the Albanians to freedom and independence or from the Communist inspirations nurtured by the Communism in power and icon to be conquered entirely and anxiety to be naturalized and domesticated and value to be attained, modified and supported by and from the ideology in power as well.

All these will be the crucial concerns I will attempt to develop in herein article.

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