Etichetă: computer science
Hamilton and the most important problem of computer science
Sir William Rowan Hamilton (August 3/4 1805 – September 2, 1865) was an Irish physician, astronomer and mathematician that brought important contributions to classical mechanics, to the development of optical systems and of algebra. William Rowan Hamilton is known for his studies of mathematical physics and of Newtonian mechanics formulation renamed Hamiltonian Mechanics. His work…
Interviu la Google (II)
Citeşte aici prima parte din articolul Interviu la Google Cum rezolvă Google problemele A trecut ceva timp de când am promis că voi spune ce a urmat după al doilea interviu tehnic, telefonic, pentru Google Zurich. După vreo două săptămâni, însă, într-adevăr am văzut că sunt (încă) destul de deştept, pentru că, într-adevăr, am fost invitat la un…
Alan Turing – the Father of Modern Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Alan Mathison Turing (23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) known today as the father of modern informatics and artificial intelligence, was a British IT specialist, mathematician, logician, and cryptanalyst. Alan Turing invented a device (the Turing machine) based on the work with the digits 1 and 0, which formalized the concept of algorithm and…
Alan Turing – father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence
Alan Mathison Turing (June 23, 1912 – June 7, 1954), known nowadays as the father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence, British former computer expert, mathematician, logician and cryptanalyst. Alan Turing invented a device(Turing machine) based on working with numbers 0 and 1 that formalized the concept of algorithm and calculus. In 1999, journalists…