Hamilton and the most important problem of computer science

William_Rowan_Hamilton_paintingSir William Rowan Hamilton (August 3/4 1805 – September 2, 1865) was an Irish physician, astronomer and mathematician that brought important contributions to classical mechanics, to the development of optical systems and of algebra. William Rowan Hamilton is known for his studies of mathematical physics and of Newtonian mechanics formulation renamed Hamiltonian Mechanics. His work proved to be essential for the study of electromagnetism and for the development of quantum mechanics.

William Rowan Hamilton was the son of a lawyer, but he lived with his uncle, an Anglican priest who also educated him.

Besides his aptitude of learning Latin, Greek, Hebrew before 5 years old, until he turned 12 he already knew Arabic, Sanskrit, Persian, Syriac, French, Italian and German. However, Hamilton started to be more interested in mathematics after he read Analytical Geometry by Bartholomew Lloyd, at the age of 16. Continuă să citești Hamilton and the most important problem of computer science