Coding contest for girls

Ai o prietenă bună? Sunteţi ca două surori? Dacă băieţii din clasa ta se cred deştepţi şi consideră că informatica e doar pentru ei, demonstrează-le că nu e aşa. Vino împreună cu prietena ta la cel mai cool concurs de informatică. E cool pentru că e doar pentru fete (pe bune!) şi pentru că puteţi să trageţi cu ochiul pe web sau pe cărţi când rezolvaţi problemele. Dar stai să vezi ce probleme: pe lângă probleme clasice de programare în C, cu vectori sau matrice, trebuie să programaţi un joculeţ în Scratch, un mediu de programare vizual, special făcut pentru elevi.

new10_e0Vezi articole de presa despre concursul nostru: in Desteptarea si aici (New Pres Bacau).

DSC_6446Şi asta nu e tot! În timpul concursului, poţi bea liniştită un ceai, o cafea, sau un suc, poţi mânca o pizza, iar premiile sunt surprinzătoare. De pildă, la ediţia din ianuarie 2014 fetele au primit… cărţi, haine şi accesorii drept premii. Îţi poţi imagina un concurs şcolar la care, la final, te întorci acasă cu o rochie special croită pentru tine?

În industria IT, procentul femeilor cunoaşte o scădere foarte mare faţă de vremea mamei sau bunicii tale (anii 1980-1990). Tocmai de aceea ne-am gândit la o metodă de a încuraja fetele să meargă în acest domeniu, care este de prezent şi viitor.

Click aici pentru a accesa pagina concursului sau citeste mai departe regulamentul in limba engleza.

Vezi aici despre concursul nostru de limba franceza pentru perechi.


The number of women in the IT industry experienced a huge decrease from 1980-1990. Although in the last secondary school classes and in the early grades of elementary school, the students are interested in Informatics and new technologies IT&C, towards the end of the 12th grade very few girls, compared to boys, choose to give in Informatics or to move towards a college education in the field.

One of the reasons seems to be that the traditional competitions, where girls compete with boys, the girls are put off by the fact that they are too few and rarely get into higher stages of such competitions (Olympiads, contests of applied Informatics, etc).

Starting from the fact that education must be centred on the student and differentiated according to the peculiarities of skills, interests, age, and sex, I designed this contest, with the intention to reduce the existing gap between the number of boys and girls in schools of profile, respectively on the labour market.


The purpose of the contest

The contest is not expected to be a sexist, feminist approach in favor of girls and boys in preference, but, on the contrary, a method by which girls are encouraged to compete at equal with boys.

The aim of the competition is to encourage girls to orientate in the university preparation for a career in the IT domain and increasing the percentage of female presence in the field of Informatics.

See here the website of the contest.

Objectives of the competition are:

  1. Creating an educational, creative, collaborative and competitive framework in science and awarding the best participants.
  2. Creation of possibilities for measuring skills and competences in the field of computer programming for young women.
  3. Creating opportunities to establish an exchange of experience between students and teachers from different schools.
  4. Stimulating teacher of computer science in schools to approach some new programming environments.
  5. Encouraging cooperation between teachers of computer science in high school, universities and representatives of regional IT&C business environment.

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Target group

The contest is addressed to the students in grades X-XII and is put forward in the freshman year, engrossed in the programming language C and available to learn Scratch programming environment. To enter the competition, students must be grouped into teams of two schoolgirls. Schoolgirls in a team can come from different educational institutions of different ages or for different classes. The maximum number of teams is 15. If there are more willing participants, there will be a pre-selection.



The project is carried out from 1 November 2014-11 January 2015, thus:

  • Stage 1-the popularization of the project: 1 November 2014-30 November 2014
  • Stage 2-The Enrollment of participants, in teams, the contest: December 1, 2014 to 31 December 2014
  • Stage 3-Meeting with the participants to receive the rules of the competition: 10 January 2014, 3 p.m., Twoomey’s Irish Pub, Bacău.
  • Stage 4-the contest itself: January 11-1015, 10-14, at the headquarters of the General staff building, EcoKit Project, 2nd floor, Bacău.
  • Step 5-determine the rankings of the contest, the awarding of participants

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Contest Rules

Each team will come up with a proper computer, running under the Windows operating system (XP or newer), Linux or MacOS. They will install on the computer the last stable version: Code: Blocks (with MingW) at or the latest stable version of Dev-C++ from Scratch version 2.0 and, from (offline version), corresponding to the operating system used by your computer for each team.

The participants will be present at 9: 30 in the contest room, in order to install the computers and accommodate.

The competition takes place over a period of four hours, starting at 10am and contains two tests as follows:

  1. Test 1. To Solve three problems of programming in C/C++ language, using programming Code:: Blocks. The Problems will have different degrees of difficulty and will be denoted by 1, 2 and 3-point question.
  2. Test 2. Implementation of a game in the Scratch language, according to some clear specifications. The game will be dotted with 6 points.

For test 1, problems will be according to the matter of high school (Classes IX and X) taught to vectors, arrays and strings.
For test 2 blocks may be used for user-defined variables, and lists clones.

Contestants may use the Internet connection and documentation of materials posted online (books, articles, tutorials, materials in discussion forums, video tutorials and animations) for both samples. They can also use images from the Internet for the game.

The opponents of a team are not allowed to communicate with any of the other competing nor with other persons in the room or via the telephone or the Internet. Communicating with the organizers will be made only for purposes related to the conduct of the contest.

Contestants may have MP3 players or any other devices to listen to music, but with headphones on, so as not to disturb the other teams. Snacks and drinks are available in the contest.

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Evaluation Criteria and Awards

Diplomas of participation, prizes and endorsements, will be awarded as follows:

1st – prize of 250 lei
2nd – prize worth 150 lei
3rd – prize worth 100 lei

A Special Mention in the amount of 70 lei, for the team that manages a great result at one of the tests, but less so at other tests.

Endorsements worth 50 lei, for every team in the remaining ones.

If the two teams obtain the same score and they compete for I, II, III prizes or for special mention, they’ll give you a sample barrage, established ad hoc organizers.

In addition, each participant will receive gifts from other sponsors and donors.
Judging criteria:

Reliability, originality, and runtime complexity of algorithms and C/C++ programs from the first sample.
Functionality, originality and complexity of game mode in the Scratch.

Organizers and Jury

  • Ingrid-Elena Lazăr, College „Vasile Alecsandri” from Bacău
  • Lăcrămioara Mărgineanu, National College Gheorghe Vrânceanu „in Bacau
  • Liliana Ursache, the National College „Ferdinand I” in Bacau
  • Students and students volunteers
  • Representatives of the sponsors
  • Project Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Bogdan Pătruț, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău & S.C. EduSoft SRL

Sponsors / Donators
