LiBRI. Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation
Volume: 6 | Issue: 1
Obsessive Contradictions in "Pădurea spânzuraților"
In this article I intend to treat the problem of contradictions on which the main character from the novel Pădurea spânzuraților, Apostol Bologa, develops. I also took into consideration the trigger of all these antonymic attitudes, the light, treating the element both in terms of literary approach as well as in terms of representation of the limit situations. Apostol's convultions, though innermost, have a high degree of universality, becoming the exponent of an entire generation. The central idea of this article aimed at highlighting this protagonist's struggle to regain balance, despite the mixture of heterogeneous elements between soul and thought. Bologa's consciousness enters a new process of defining, through which he regains the primordial primary balance, of the beginnings.
Keywords: contradiction, conflict, light, obsession, universality