The Effect of Thermal Suggestion on Skin Temperature Under Hypnosis

Mohammad Soukhtanlou, Mehdi Fathi, Paniz Sadri, Hamid Reza Rajabifar


Since the application of hypnosis, there has been a controversial question of whether hypnosis is a cognitive state or a physiological phenomenon. Here we tested the impact of thermal suggestion on perception and skin temperature of 30 participants. To achieve this goal we compared the temperature of individuals’ hand skin in a pretest-posttest design. In order to assess the thermal perception, a likert scale was conducted immediately after dehypnotizing.  Findings show that hands temperature during the hypnotic cold suggestion decrease by 2.26 centigrade in comparison with pre-test. Furthermore, during hypnotic warmth suggestion 1.13 centigradeincrease is observed after hypnosis. In conclusion, findings suggest that hypnotic suggestions can influence not only the perception of individuals but also their physiology.


Hypnosis; Cognition; Physiology

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