Laszlo Csiki
"Vasile Goldis" Western University of Arad
Laszlo Csiki
Department of Engineering and Computer Science, "Vasile Goldis" Western University of Arad, Romania csikilacko95@gmail.comÂ
Andrei Gabor
"Vasile Goldis" Western University of Arad
Andrei Gabor
Department of Engineering and Computer Science, "Vasile Goldis" Western University of Arad, Romania 94 Bulevardul Revoluției, Arad, Tel. +40 257 211 884 andrei.gabor@uvvg.roÂ
Marius Popescu
"Vasile Goldis" Western University of Arad
Marius Popescu
Department of Engineering and Computer Science, "Vasile Goldis" Western University of Arad, Romania 94 Bulevardul Revoluției, Arad, Tel. +40 257 211 884 mpopescu@uvvg.roÂ
Antoanela Naaji
"Vasile Goldis" Western University of Arad
Antoanela Naaji
Department of Engineering and Computer Science, "Vasile Goldis" Western University of Arad, Romania 94 Bulevardul Revoluției, Arad, Tel. +40 257 211 884