BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience

Volume: 16 | Issue: 1

Information for authors

Loredana Ilie Piechowska - EduSoft (RO),


About the Journal

BRAIN-BroadResearchinArtificialIntelligenceandNeuroscience aims to create links between researchers from apparently different scientific fields, such as Computer Science and Neurology. In fact, many topics, such as Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Sciences, and Neurosciences, can intersect in the study of the brain and its intelligence functions.

Our journal contains peer-reviewed articles. These should be original and unpublished works by the authors. The peer review process is conducted anonymously, with reviewers being well-recognised scientists from our scientific board, as well as independent experts.

Some innovative young researchers from around the world had the idea to edit and publish the BRAIN journal in order to make an agora of an interdisciplinary study of the brain. Young scientists and seniors in artificial intelligence, cognitive sciences, and neurology fields are expected to publish their original works in our journal.

BRAIN Journal is an open-source journal, dedicated to promoting the latest scientific news in the field of multidisciplinary studies of the brain, consciousness, and their connection with artificial intelligence. 

BRAIN Journal supports research and novelty in health, medicine, and the life sciences. 


The journal’s main topics of interest are related to:

  • Medical Sciences: Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Neuroenhancement, Neurology, Psychiatry, Medical anthropology (topics related to brain), Forensic medicine, Genome sequencing and genomic studies (using computers and/or Artificial Intelligence in genomic studies), Neuropathology, Brain pathology, Medical ethics and bioethics, Neurosurgery, Evolutionary biology, Embryology (topics related to nervous system development), Anatomopathology (topics related to nervous system);

  • Psychology: Cognitive psychology, Psychotherapies, Social work with mentally disabled people, Psychopathology;

  • Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence and computing in medicine, Natural language processing, Formal and modal logics, Brain-machine communication, Machine learning, Deep learning programming, Language processing, Robotics (especially using robotics in medicine), Brain simulations, Computer simulations, Virtual reality and enhanced reality;

  • Varia: Philosophy of mind and related, Neuroethics, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics of artificial intelligence technologies, Game theory, Decision theory, Transhumanism, Philosophy of language.

Journal History and website content

BRAIN journal was edited by EduSoft from its first volume, in 2010, until issue 3 of volume 10 (2019). Based on the contract between EduSoft and Lumen, starting with Issue 4, Volume 10, 2019, and finishing with Issue 2, Volume 15, 2024, the Journal was published by LUMEN Publishing House, on behalf of EduSoft.

The content of the journal until August 2024 is available in mirroring, both on  (Lumen Publishing)
and  (EduSoft Publishing)

The collaboration between EduSoft and Lumen officially concluded in August 2024. Consequently, starting with Issue 3 of Volume 15 (2024), BRAIN Journal is exclusively edited and published by EduSoft Publishing.

BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience has an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND

Call for papers

We seek papers for our next issues of the BRAIN journal, from academicians, professors, researchers, doctors and clinicians, linguists, psychotherapists, PhD students, and anyone connected to the journal’s topics.

We welcome contributions from all over the world. We plan to put out the next issue of the BRAIN in May 2024. However, a special issue on neuroscience will be published in March-April 2025. You are invited to submit an article on any topic relevant to our journal. The deadline for sending articles is the 15th of March, 2025. Send your articles to or sign in to use the online system for submitting papers: 

Journal Contact

Mailing Address

EduSoft Publishing 

Address: Romania, 600065 Bacau, 82/C/13, 9 Mai street.

PRINT: ISSN 2068 – 0473

ONLINE: E-ISSN 2067 - 3957

Principal Contact

Bogdan Patrut


Support Contact

Asociatia EduSoft

Address: Romania, 600258 Bacau, 1/A1/13, Mihai Eminescu street


Editorial Team


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bogdan Patrut, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania

Associate Editors

Prof. Dr. Kadiamada Nanaiah Roy Chengappa, University of Pittsburgh, United States

Prof. Dr. David Roe, Department of Community Mental Health, University of Haifa, Israel

Prof. Dr. Jude Hemanth, Karunya Institute of Science and Technology, India

Prof. Dr. Michael Davidson, Medical School, Nicosia University, Cyprus

Prof. Dr. Vassilios Fanos, University of Cagliari, Italy

Prof. Dr. Orhan Derman, Hacettepe University Research Information System, Turkey

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kishor Datta Gupta, Clark Atlanta University, Georgia (GA), United States

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Utku Kose, University of North Dakota, United States

Dr. Rodica Petrea, Boston University Aram V. Chobanian & Edward Avedisian School of Medicine, the Framingham Heart Study, Creighton University, and the University of Kentucky, United States

All submissions undergo a thorough review by an editor and selected experts. Authors will receive feedback and ratings within 3-10 weeks of submission. Accepted manuscripts must be revised based on reviewers' comments before final acceptance.

Starting with Issue 3 of Volume 15 (2024) of BRAIN – Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, the acceptance rate for submitted articles has decreased to 45%. 

Additionally, we are pleased to announce that, on occasion, articles deemed to be of exceptional value and significance will be exempted from the article processing and publication fees. 

For any questions regarding the submission, contact Ms. Loredana Ilie Piechowska at

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