BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Volume: 16 | Issue: 1
International Research on the Problems of Children in Cases of Witnessing Domestic Violence
The research has the clear objective of highlighting possible psychophysical damage in minors as a result not of physical or sexual violence or physical neglect, but rather as a result of frequent parental quarrels, experienced by the children in a traumatic way (witnessing violence). The inspiration for the present research was provided by a further 20 recent cases observed in the course of as many civil proceedings on the subject of child custody with highly conflicting parental couples. The research shows how witnessed violence can constitute a significant risk factor in the psycho-physical development of the minor and how, as such, it deserves particular attention in the context of prevention and therapy of subjects who have experienced similar events. It follows that "the role of victim", in cases of domestic violence, is not only attributable to those who suffer the violent actions (one of the partners), but also to those (such as children), although not being the object of such violence, he is involved as a witness/observer. The research also deals with secondary and tertiary prevention activities. This paper will consider: Generalities on the subject of witnessing violence; Previous research on the harm resulting from witnessing domestic violence between parents; The most advanced prevention and treatment strategies; The classification of batterers and feminicides in the primary prevention of intra-family violence; The negative effects of witnessing violence in childhood and young adults: from the development of brain morphology to mental and behavioural disorders; Targeted research with encephalic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with VBM (Voxed- Based Morphometry); Further research on the subject of witnessing violence; The substantial difference between PTSD and C-DPTS.
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