Self-Sufficiency of the Personality as a Psychological Condition for the Development of Their Neuropsychological Self-Regulation in the Context of Practical Psychology

Nelia BIHUN, Olena CHORNA, Liubov KOSTYK, Olesia RYHEL, Ihor HOIAN, Oksana FEDYK


The article presents a theoretical and methodological analysis of the study of self-sufficiency as a factor in the development of psychological self-regulation of the personality. It is proposed to define self-sufficiency as a complex personal formation, personality-regulatory property that has an effective system of influence on the activation of psychological self-regulation of the personality in ensuring subjective function in activities. The self-sufficiency of the personality as a psychological condition for the development of their psychological self-regulation in the context of practical psychology is considered. Self-sufficiency can be considered as a factor in the development of the system of psychological self-regulation of the personality and as a regulatory-personal property in the manifestations of self-sufficient character traits and conscious human activity. Neurobiological mechanisms of self-sufficiency and self-regulation have been considered. Under psychological self-regulation we can understand the process of development of self-sufficiency of the personality as the regulation of their activity in personal growth from “real self” to “ideal self”. Self-sufficiency as a personal potential of psychological self-regulation can have a developmental effect in the following coping strategies: self-help; cooperation; personal and professional growth; autonomy; self-acceptance. In case of deformation and imbalance of the self-regulation system, neuro-psychocorrection is offered. Socio-psychological trainings have been proposed for the development of personal growth and development of self-sufficiency as a personal potential of effective psychological self-regulation.


Self-development; values; self-esteem; personality-regulatory properties; meanings; goals; internal resource; self-concept; neurobiological mechanisms of self-sufficiency and self-regulation

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