Psychophysical Training of Young People for Homeland Defence Using Means of Physical Culture and Sports

Roman Prots, Volodimir Yakovliv, Serhii Medynskyi, Roman Kharchenko, Tetiana Hryb, Tetiana Klymenchenko, Serhii Ihnatenko, Iryna Buzhyna, Borys Maksymchuk


The research prominence lies in an increasing interest of the state in patriotic education and physical training of young people for homeland defenсe. There is an urgent today to reconstruct the ethnic model of patriotic education and its component, in particular military-and-patriotic education, identify the means of physical culture and sports (physical exercise; natural, artificial and hygienic factors) and justify their use under reforms in education following the needs and demands of the individual and the society in Ukraine. The research aims to theoretically justify and experimentally verify the effectiveness of military-and-patriotic education of young people using physical culture and sports based on ethnopedagogy, following neuropedagogical criteria of their psychophysical readiness for homeland defenсe. The authors of the research offer to introduce the specialized course on martial arts of Ukraine, which refers to the worldview and mindset of Ukrainians underlying the Ukrainian military (combat) culture, as well as strengthening and enhancement of neuropsychological properties and symptom complexes of character. The control group pupils (25) were taught based on the traditional system (they acquired and improved their knowledge, abilities and skills in preliminary military training). The experimental group pupils (25) purposefully studied the specialized course on the martial arts of Ukraine. Such methods as surveys, questionnaires, tests, interviews and observations were used to conduct neuropsychological diagnostics of young people’s readiness for homeland defenсe. In EG, the number of the respondents with a high level of psychophysical readiness for homeland defenсe has increased by 10.3%; the number of the respondents with an average level of psychophysical readiness for homeland defenсe has increased only by 2.2%; the number of the respondents with a low level of psychophysical readiness for homeland defenсe has decreased by 12.5%. Modern military-and-patriotic education of young people can be considered effective if the pedagogical model of military-and patriotic education using physical culture and sports and taking into account neuropsychological and neuropedagogical factors is integrated into the modern system of national education.


patriotic education, physical culture and sports, military culture, physical training, psychophysical readiness

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