BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience

Volume: 11 | Issue: 3Sup1

New Insights into CAS Population Profile and Interaction with Autism — a Wide Retrospective Research

Elad VASHDI - DPT, clinician, Yaelcenter institute director, Israel (IL), Amit AVRAMOV - Senior MDT and VML consultant, Yaelcenter, Israel (IL), Å pela FALATOV - Center ZA zdravljenje avtizma Director, Slovenia (SI), Huang YI-CHEN - MSPA-CPSP, Beyond speech pathology clinic director, Taiwan (TW), Jiang PEI-RU - BSpPath, Sunny Speech Pathology Clinic director, Taiwan (TW), Paula Teodora MAMINA-CHIRIAC - BS-Psych, Psychology Office, Romania (RO),


Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) profile is examined in this article to reveal new insights. These insights might have big influence on the clinical aspect of the phenomenon. One of the interesting insights founded was the close relationship between the CAS population and Autism. Since Autism is such a high incidence phenomenon, it implicates to CAS as well.        

A retrospective research was conducted based on 277 entry level evaluations of children diagnosed with CAS or suspected CAS who visited a private clinic between the years 2006-2013. The analysis included speech variables along background and environmental variables. This article is dealing with the non-speech variables that enable us to observe other parts of this phenomenon.

The main findings are within the areas of diagnosis, age group, educational frames, ear infections, gender, development at first year, babbling and age and speech skill. Some of the results were not as expected.

Further discussion regarding every result and implication is included as well as regarding the interaction between CAS and Autism.

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