Starting with 2010, we edit and publish 3 academic journals for scholars around the world. These journals are indexed by various international  indexing services, like EBSCO, DOAJ, Google Scholar, CiteSeerX etc.

Our journals are interdisciplinary and they cover three main domains of science:

BRAIN: Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, ISSN: 2067-3957, E-ISSN: (1-4 issues per year, English)

The aim of this journal is to create links between researchers from apparently different scientific fields, such as Computer Science and Neurology. In fact, there are a lot of topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Sciences and Neurosciences that can intersect in the study of the brain and its intelligent functions.

BRAND: Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution, ISSN: , E-ISSN: (1-2 issues per year, English)

The aim of this journal is to make an agora of different experts in economics, social and political sciences. We publish articles from experts in different scientific and practical fields, like accounting, marketing, management, economics, trade, trade law, finance, operations research, optimization, graph theory, game theory, voting, political communication, sociology etc.

LiBRI: Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation, ISSN 2068-0627 (occasional, English or French)

LiBRI. Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation” is an international journal for specialists in linguistics, literature, cultural studies, and related fields. The papers should be original unpublished papers, written in English or French.« LiBRI. Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation » est une revue à caractère international qui s’adresse aux spécialistes de la linguistique, de la littérature, des études culturelles et des domaines connexes. Les papiers doivent être originaux, inédits, écrits en anglais ou en français.