EduSoft Team

Permanent staff (in alphabetical order):

Bogdan Pătruț

Bogdan coordinates EduSoft, dealing with human resources, site design, and coordination of the academic and social activities. Bogdan considers that education can increase one’s living standards, as well as those of society, as a whole. He is a Doctor in Computer Science and Accounting, software developer, editor and author of books published nationally and abroad, as well as international conference organiser.
Agata Asofroniei
Agata editeaza revistele academice BRAIN: Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, indexată în Web of Science, BRAND și LiBRI, ocupându-se cu aspectele legate de autori și referenți. De asemenea, Agata se ocupă de traduceri, de imagine și de proiectul Writerra, care își propune să promoveze frumosul prin literatură și artă în rândul tinerilor.


Volunteers, internship students, and other collaborators (in alphabetical order):

Codrina-Ioana Adam
Codrina is passionate about foreign languages (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese), web design, and travelling. She considers volunteering the best way to help the others progress, and also the best way to help her mature and become more responsible.
Cristina Artene
  Cristina is our programmer, who develops free Android applications for our visitors. Also, she develops applications for our clients. As high-school student, she participated in various competitions of informatics, including olympiad. Now, she is BSc student in computer science and she likes to code in C/C++, AppInventor, Visual Basic, B4A, Pascal etc. She considers that STEM fields are very important for the development of our society and she encourages girls to come in the IT&C.
Cristian Avătavului
  Cristian se ocupă, în general, de site-urile EduSoft şi de probleme de ordin tehnic. El este responsabil de crearea de sisteme de administrare a conţinutului în cadrul EduSoft, care ne uşurează mult munca şi optimizează comunicarea. Absolvent de Informatică, pasionat de Drupal, Cristian este un programator şi dezvoltator complex, care îmbină creativitatea cu adaptarea la cerinţele clienţilor.
Maria Bocicov
  Maria (Marcela) is passionate about foreign languages and literature. She likes reading and writing. Nelson Mandela said that ”Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world” and Maria thinks that education is a very important factor in the development of a country, and that we should invest more in education, in order to live a better life.
Cătălina Budurin
Cătălina considers that she can bring smiles to the children of the Republic of Moldova, with the help of the EduSoft activities. Cătălina is passionate about everything that is beautiful and she believes that education can be done in school, as well as by NGOs or other organisations.
Gabriela Chiribău
Gabriela considers that the academic education must be harmoniously combined with entrepreneurial education and other forms of personal development. As software architect of an IT consulting company, Gabriela has sponsored many EduSoft activities, such as the “Computer Science Club” or “The Super-adventure of Scratch programming for the children in Ploana and Rusenii-Răzeși”. Gabriela believes that the Romanian diaspora can help the education in Romania.
Ana Codreanu
Ana coordinates the volunteering activity in the Republic of Moldova. Passionate about both computer science and social activities, she considers that no effort is too big to help those willing to learn and become IT experts. Ana is optimistic and believes that volunteering is important because the young can bond as friends for life.
Emilia Comănescu
Emilia is passionate about visual programming and she thinks that STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education is essential for creating well-fare in a country. She has been actively involved in some initiation programming courses for rural children.
Maria Dicusar
Maria Dicusar Maria este pasionată să scrie poezie și articole despre locurile vizitate. Îi place să elaboreze eseuri despre istoria românilor, despre frumusețile României și ale Republicii Moldova. Ea consideră că iubirea, bunătatea și comportamentul frumos sunt elemente importante ale educației copiilor și tinerilor de azi.
Maria Elisei
Maria is passionate about the volunteering activities, the different courses, and the contests we organise. She is in charge with the organisation of the following contests: “The Beauty of Code – The Code of Beauty”,  “Parler et faire des affaires en paires”, as well as the initiation Scratch courses. Maria also loves cycling and mathematics.
Iuliana-Alexandra Fleşcan-Lovin-Arseni
Alexandra is responsible for editing the international journal LiBRI Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation dedicated to linguistics, literature, cultural studies and related fields. She studies Traslation and interpretation, both in English and French. She was an Erasmus student in Spain. She considers education the key element of each and every society and she encourages the implementation of didactic modern methods.
Claudiu Florea
Claudiu_Florea Claudiu has joined the Edusoft team in order to help with the activities related to website. He studies informatics and he is a hardworking, organized and enthusiastic person.  He is specialist in WordPress and other content management systems, and he solves all the issues related with the functionality of the EduSoft website.
Ştefan Ionescu
Ştefan is our collaborator for Scratch, Visual Basic, AppInventor programming. He developed a series of Android applications, for general use, and you can download them from this page. An example is the application TicTalkDrive, which let you send SMS when you drive. He studies informatics and he is a hardworking, organized and enthusiastic person.  He is also interested in voluntary activities.
Elena Golăi
Elena has joined the Edusoft team in order to help with the activities related to articles and translation. She studies foreign languages and she is a hardworking, organized and enthusiastic person. She is editor of BRAND: Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution international journal.
Raluca Marin
Raluca has joined the Edusoft team in order to help with the activities related to translation. She studies foreign languages and she is a hardworking, organized and enthusiastic person.  She has a quote that guides her life: To have another language is to possess a second soul.” She has also been involved in volunteering activities and she is eager to learn something new everyday.
Cristina Morari
Cristina is passionate about reading and writing. She likes to write essays about beautiful feelings. She consider that hope, love, joy, poltness, kindness, beautiful behaviour are important elements of education and they can change the world we live in.
Tatiana Moraru
Tatiana is passionate about coding, about the developing of mobile applications and computer sciences. She has won (together with her colleagues) the Technovation Challenge 2014 competition in San Francisco, SUA. Taniușa is interested in sharing her experience with other students. She is one of our tutors which will teach Scratch and AppInventor courses in the Republic of Moldova. Moreover, she has some video courses about the German language.
Victor Pantă
Victor is passionate about exercise and tourism. He organised mountaineering courses and believes that a healthy mind needs a healthy body. As a geography teacher, Victor loves cycling and mountaineering. He thinks that the rural and unfavoured areas can have talented children and are willing to grow both at school and professionally.
Adelina-Mihaela Petroi (Poenaru)
AdelinaPoenaru Adelina is content editor at EduSoft, dealing with editing, formatting, and coordination of the editors. She is also responsible for some of academic and social activities. Adelina is the valedictorian of the Faculty of Letters, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau, where she graduated in French and Romanian language and literature. Adelina considers that the quality of education depends on the quality of people and of their competences.
Mihaela-Ştefania Puțeanu
With a good experience in journalism, Mihaela (Mimi) is responsible for the posts published by EduSoft, and, also, she is involved in some other activities, including advertising and management.. She was an Erasmus student in Poland, and she is interested in literature and art, also in public relations. As content-editor in our team, Mihaela is also interested in promoting our activities via traditional media and social-media. She considers that educational activities should take place in a relaxing atmosphere.
Andreea-Elena Sopca 
Andreea joined the EduSoft team hoping to bring joy to the children in the unfavoured rural areas. She has been actively involved in the “Parler et faire des affaires en paires” Contest, as well in organizing the activity with the children from Plopana and Rusenii-Răzeși.
Robert Spătaru
Robert is in charge with the Scratch courses, as well as with jurying the process of “The Beauty of Code – The Code of Beauty” Contest. He is a specialist in Visual Basic programming and he can use it to explain to anyone the secrets of game programming.
Gabriela Tăbăcaru
Gabriela was responsible for writing articles about wonderful places and people. Also, she edited our journal BRAIN: Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, dealing with issues regarding the authors, reviewers, proofreading etc. Also, she was involved in organizing the SMART international conference. With a B.A. in English and Romanian language and literature, and her experience as Erasmus student in Czech Republic, Gabriela considers that foreign languages are important in education.
Olga Uțica
Olga is willing to learn, as well as to teach the others. She likes helping others and getting involved in volunteering events. She thinks that she can help improve the situation of the children in the Republic of Moldova, and that education plays an important role in this respect. Olga helps us with our video lessons, but also with the activities in Moldova.
Sînică Vrânceanu
As manager of the European Centre for Sustainable Strategies, Niki has organized projects such as the “Web Identity and Online Marketing” or the “Business Club” the pupils and youngsters. Niki has also organized the Drupal courses for high-school students within the “Computer Science Club”.

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